Mar 23, 2011

Your ex just shut the door on your relationship. They gathered all their belongings, said a few choice cuss words, and walked out. Do you think that you will not get them back? I'll tell you how to open a closed door again!

your ex is steaming mad. Let them blow off steam and calm down. It will take some time to cool. Just give it time. They think the relationship is over, but you do not!

So, what where the reasons for termination? There is something there that you miss. Why is your ex mad and upset? Are they trying to get you to listen to what you are saying? Start looking for these answers.

Is it something you said the whole time she just grew to hate? Is this your behavior? Maybe you let your self go and look like a monkey. Maybe this helps to stop doing business. Take a look at the house. Does this look like a tornado hit? When you find the answers, start fixing the problem immediately!

Get up and clean house from top to bottom. Throw things and send things to donate. Get a shave and haircut. Start teaching yourself to cook, and even trade. Even go as far as yoga and meditation, breathing exercises for when you begin to feel anxious.

Once you get your house back in order, then it is time to calmly call the ex. Invite them over for a special dinner you've made. Show them how to clean the house. Show them that you're stepping up and trying to save this relationship.

will take time to re-open the door on your relationship. When finally, throw the keys away and start loving each other again!

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